if i killed myself today they’d say i didn’t consider those who loved me

but if i wake up tomorrow they’ll condemn me for being unloving

and if i die trying they’ll call me pathetic, obsessive, weak

as if i must keep my heart imprisoned within their boundaries

so if i continue breathing where else would i put the oxygen?

well if i have no where to put it, i’ll have to hold it all in 

then if i run out of space within myself, i’ll be explosive

and if i’m too close they’ll say i only care about my own shit

well if i blow up, i’ll have to avoid them, handle it all alone

then if i keep my distance, they’ll catch wind and throw stones

but if i let it build a wall around me, they’ll start a dialogue

as if i was given the tools or resources to even talk at all

for if i say what they want to hear: i lack original thought

or if i say what i really think: i gotta step off my soapbox

and if i stay silent they’ll say i’m being cryptic or a chore

like if i protect my peace then its a sudden act of war

if i go to war, i’d have no one to fight beside

if i fight myself, they’ll all run off and hide

if i am left alone i won’t know when to quit

if i quit now, there’s only one way to begin…